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Amazing Grace!!!

Grace is undeserved favor that extends unconditional love to another. Whether you're communicating with friends, family or coworkers, if...

Be Greatful.

When staring at everyone's else's journey, you're bound to stumble on the road. Many times other people's lives appear happier, richer,...

The Lord hears your cry.

We struggle to find ways of expecting the bone-crushing weariness of grief. Sometimes it feels as though if we could just put it into...

Ask the Savior to help you.

When King David died, Solomon became the king of Israel. Just like a child who does not yet know how to put away his toys, Solomon...

God is!!!

Let's face it. There may be some things you aren't able to do for yourself. There may be times when you need someone to come alongside to...

God hears your Prayers

When words of prayer, praise, and petition pass your lips, God hears them. For He listens to all who pray to Him, to every person who...


Your Lord and Savior is not just a great provider- He is THE GREAT PROVIDER. When you don't know where your next paycheck is coming from...

Praise the Lord!!!

It is amazing that you can enter God's presence and spend time with Him. It's absolutely astonishing that the way to get there, the...

The Power of Prayer!!!

It has been years since the offense against you actually happened. Yet today, whenever you think about the " incident," you still have...

Humble yourself before God

The last thing God wants is for you to come before him with an attitude. That's why Jesus told the disciples the parable of the tax...

Gods' Love

Wondering where God has been, is now, or will be? Look no further. For David's psalm of praise says that God is right there with you. His...

Psalm 77

You, a solidly visible, earthbound creature, have faith in a God who is not just supernatural and invisible, but also untraceable. You,...

Stay Connected

The concept of the power of prayer is familiar, but sometimes we forget what it means. Prayer is a powerful tool for communicating with...

I need you Lord

God knows there will be days when you have no strength. When your heart is weak, your balance off, your legs shaky. He'll be there,...

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