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Humble yourself before God

Writer: Lighthouse Ministries Lighthouse Ministries

The last thing God wants is for you to come before him with an attitude. That's why Jesus told the disciples the parable of the tax collector and the Pharisee, two men who went to the temple to pray. The Pharisee took pride in his morals. When he prayed, he thanked God he wasn't like other people, like criminals, adulterers, and tax collectors. He reminded the Lord and anyone listening how he fasted two times each week and titlhed to the synagogue. Then the tax collector, standing at a distance from the temple, prayed. Not able to lift his eyes to heaven, he asked God to have pity on him, a sinner. Jesus said that this second man, the one who humbled himself before God in prayer, was the one God would lift up, the one who would become what God created him to be. Today, as you pray, consider your attitude. Who are you closer to emulating- the Pharisee or the tax collector? What might you need to do to correct your course?



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