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Heavenly Father

Every day you give a part of yourself to that day- spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially, and socially. Within each of those...

Trust and believe

While God doesn't always choose to fix things with a snap of His fingers, we can be assured that He will see us through to the other side...

The Comforter

Sometimes we literally cannot pray. The Holy Spirit takes over on such occasions. Go before God; enter into His presence in a quiet spot...

Walk in faith

Imagine losing a vibrant leader, a person you've journeyed with for forty years. Now imagine you are called by God to replace that...

God knows.

Your heavenly Father is eager and ready to meet with you when you come before Him in prayer. The Bible tells us that His eyes are always...

Take a break

There may be times in life when you are so busy working and taking care of others that you lose yourself, the person you are, the one God...

Blog: Blog2
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