God is speaking to you all the time. The question is, are you listening? Or are you too distracted by what's happening on the nonspiritual plane? It might be that your mind is too full of fretting for you to hear any words from God, including words that tell you to stop fretting. Perhaps you're too busy to pay attention to Him. Wouldn't it be ironic if God were trying to get through your busyness so He could give you some tips on how to make use of your time? Worse than being distracted, worried, or too busy would be if you're afraid to hear from God. Perhaps on some level you fear He may ask you to do something you'd rather not do. Or He's just waiting to point out a bad habit you're not yet ready to break. There could be a thousand reasons to ignore God's voice. Yet at the same time, there are ten thousand reasons to seek out His words. Choose one today.
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